Leadership Mindset

  For years I’ve worked with many multi-national corporations to offer professional development seminars and private executive presence coaching, and the experience teaches me a great deal. I have learned a lot within the past few months, too, as more and more companies and leaders are...

  Emotional intelligence is basically measured by taking an inventory of your genuinely empathic people skills. Do you know how to accurately interpret body language or consistently engage audiences when making a presentation or giving a speech? Are you poised under pressure, controlling your own mindset and range...

  I recently conducted a special executive presence development seminar for top talent at a multinational Fortune 500 company.  While doing my background research I came across a great article about the struggles that women face in their careers, despite so much collective effort to create...

  Although it may same contradictory, the higher you go in terms of corporate leadership, the more you need to be rooted and grounded. Otherwise it is easy to lose that precious work/life balance that is needed in order to nurture yourself, inspire your teams, and...

  To exemplify the success mindset – whether in the sports arena or the business world – you especially need the four particular traits outlined below. 1. Team Vision Olympians and iconic leaders exude a shared team perspective. They promote themselves and win recognition from others through an...