Apr 02 Mindset and Mentors: Helping Women Win Predictable Promotions
I recently conducted a special executive presence development seminar for top talent at a multinational Fortune 500 company. While doing my background research I came across a great article about the struggles that women face in their careers, despite so much collective effort to create gender equality in the workplace.
- More than 25 percent of women surveyed, for example, feel that they need to adopt stereotypical male characteristics in order to get ahead.
- One in five believe that gender discrimination holds them back.
- Over 35% say they lack confidence and are reluctant to ask for the promotions they want.
- Many women also cited a lack of work/life balance as an obstacle to advancement.
- Interestingly enough, a strong majority – almost 60% – believe that expert mentoring would give them a more valuable and competitive skill set and help them achieve their full potential.
As someone who has mentored hundreds (if not thousands) of women who are now highly-placed in the corporate world, I must say that I agree wholeheartedly. That’s why the first step I took in 2014 was to reserve sessions with my own coach and mentor. We all need that to vanquish our internal negativity, reinforce our strengths, develop our leadership presence, and tap into our authentic identities to “go for the gold.”
No matter what level of experience or expertise you are at right now, there is always someone who has “been there and done that.” She can help you accelerate faster. She can show you how to avoid the time-wasting and salary-sapping detours and pitfalls. She can teach you the mindset management techniques and strategies necessary to overcome doubts, fears, and lack of confidence.
Meanwhile she can collaborate with you on creative ways to guarantee a healthier, happier, more sustainable work/life balance. Those are assets money cannot buy that will continue to pay you back for the rest of your personal and professional life!
To read the article I mentioned, go to this link: (https://dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2547363/Women-adopt-male-characteristics-ahead-workplace-reluctant-push-promotions-according-Cancer-Research-UK-study.html) I think you’ll find it compelling, and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic!
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