Women In Business Tag

  I recently conducted a special executive presence development seminar for top talent at a multinational Fortune 500 company.  While doing my background research I came across a great article about the struggles that women face in their careers, despite so much collective effort to create...

The newest professional development trend is focused on cultivating women leaders to not only ascend into higher-level positions but also become game changers for their teams, organizations, and industries. I find that many large corporations have established new women's affinity leadership networks for the sole...

Powerful Woman For more than 30 years I’ve coached and mentored women who are top-caliber Fortune 500 executives and high-level entrepreneurs. Meanwhile during that whole time I was either a Fortune 100 senior executive or the founding CEO of my own successful consulting firm. Many things have changed for women in the workplace over the years, but as the saying goes “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” What I’m referring to here is the sad fact that, even in this advanced era of the 21st century, negative stereotypes about women in executive positions stubbornly persist.

The one that most often comes to mind is that if you are a woman and you are powerful within the business community then it must mean that you are also self-centered and egocentric.

So let me set the record straight. The most successful women leaders I know are actually just the opposite, because they derive their power from an ability to make the women and men around them more successful and powerful. Women who are the strongest executives, in other words, didn’t get there by being

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This could be the most important call in your life for unlocking your career potential As a great military strategist once said, “You can defeat any enemy except the one that has outposts in your head.” There’s no doubt about it – the most challenging obstacle...