19 Apr Identify & Change Your Negative Self-Chatter
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This month in the Wall Street Journal there was an intriguing and somewhat unsettling article, “Coaching Urged for Women.” The piece revealed that according to a new McKinsey & Company...
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This could be the most important call in your life for unlocking your career potential As a great military strategist once said, “You can defeat any enemy except the one that has outposts in your head.” There’s no doubt about it – the most challenging obstacle...
Last month I had the great privilege of hearing several of Deloitte’s HR executives give a presentation about their new career development strategy – which they call the Corporate Lattice. This year Deloitte is ranked #70 on the Fortune 100 “Best Places to Work”...
Those who procrastinate in terms of human resource and leadership development will lose ground as more proactive competitors move to the forefront and seize the day to take the lead...
The newest professional development trend is focused on cultivating women leaders to not only ascend into higher-level positions but also become game changers for their teams, organizations, and industries. I...
In response to the growing number of recent corporate downsizings many large companies have adopted an organizational structure that involves fewer layers and levels of corporate hierarchy than we saw...
There is a fascinating article “Who Are You? A Primer on Reading People” in the February 2011 issue of Psychology Today. Columbia University psychologist Dana Carney writes about a phenomenon called “power posing.” She says that using open postures – with arms akimbo and feet...