May 18 Leadership Performance in Tough Times: Earn a promotion despite layoffs or budget cut
Just a few years back businesses were booming and profits were high. Companies kept adding higher levels of management and new leadership positions to their organizational hierarchies. Every time you turned around there was a new internal memo announcing a long list of recently promoted people. Oftentimes promotions were awarded in order to fill newly created positions, but those who got promoted were not fully qualified. When challenges arose or mergers happened they were not equipped to lead high performance teams and they didn’t know how to generate revenues and ROI in tough times.
I think that the best leaders shine brightest when the times are dark and uncertain. Those who can maintain poise and grace when making difficult decisions, shouldering huge workloads, and dealing with intense pressure are able to keep team morale high and communicate with inspiring confidence – no matter how dismal the outlook.
As Winston Churchill once said, “When you’re marching through hell, keep marching.” When times are tough, the tough get going. The top leaders in any successful organization will tell you that what they look for today in terms of their succession planning strategy is leaders who are groomed to embrace adversity. Those high potential candidates see problems as an opportunity to discover innovative solutions. They see setbacks as a chance to regroup and improve.
But as any great competitor will tell you, “You train hard so that you can fight easy.” When you are driven by a passion for preparation and constant learning and that is combined with the perseverance and drive to get the best results – that’s your ticket to the big show. Set yourself apart from the competition starting now and when it comes time to apply for that big promotion you will have already won it by beating the competition months earlier on the practice field.
Are you leading your team with a positive attitude despite these difficult times?
Are you ensuring that your employee climate is the best it can be?
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Sarah Hathorn is a leadership development mentor, executive presence coach, image and branding consultant, public speaker & author. She is the founding CEO of her own successful company, Illustra Consulting, and the creator of the proprietary Predictable Promotion System™.
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Copyright © 2011, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS
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