Leaders’ New Year Career Boosting Supercharge!

Leaders’ New Year Career Boosting Supercharge!

Leaders’ New Year Career Boosting Supercharge!

A month from now everyone will affirm their New Year’s resolutions. Soon 90% will abandon them and feel discouraged and stagnant. But not you. I’m going to reveal how you can prepare for a well-deserved and predictable promotion®. Instead of starting with unrealistic goals and unachievable expectations, I want you to ground yourself in the reality of your factual, proven accomplishments. Then get on a leadership success development fast track and hit the next level in stride, with continued momentum rolling all year long.

Here are some insightful tips or “3 P’s” I share with my platinum clients. They’ll empower you to leap forward into Leap Year 2020.

1) Power from the Past Year

Before 2019 is history, it’s important to acknowledge the accomplishments, team wins, and learning experiences that you gained. Why? That self-reflection will ground you in your own reality. You’ll feel authentic confidence, gravitas, self-assuredness, leadership brand awareness, and perspective. Knowing where you’ve been and why you got where you are today creates the fuel and focus to guarantee you accelerate into the New Year. While the competition is lacing up its running shoes, you’ll be crossing the finish line.

Work now to become tomorrow’s leader, by wearing the shoes you’ll fill at the next level of responsibility/influence. Share on X

2) Personal/Professional Presence

It will simultaneously recharge you with visibly magnetic energy and forward-thinking strategic vision. Those are instantly recognizable and promotion-worthy components of well-rounded leadership presence. Reflect back on how you’ve worked on that presence in 2019. I’m talking about how you showed up to command a room and be fully present with your team. Charismatic presence has a magical impact on those around you. But it’s not magic at all. It’s daily practice to polish practical communication skills and raise your emotional IQ. You have to cultivate a positive mindset, engage in calculated risk-taking, and learn to make confident decisions. even under duress.

3) Preparation for Promotion

It’s also about consistently and intentionally expanding your internal and external networks. Look at yourself like an outsider. Identify your talents, gifts, and learned skills. List your individual and team accomplishments. Empower your brand, and quantify exactly what it is you’ve achieved and how that aligns with your organization’s goals. Create an accountability blueprint to get you from here to where you want and need to be in three months, six months, and nine months. Work now to become tomorrow’s leader, by wearing the shoes you’ll fill at the next level of responsibility/influence.

Sarah’s Accelerator Insights

Some of what I just explained will immediately raise your self-esteem. But some of it may make you feel unprepared or more aware of your vulnerable blind spots and opportunities for needed growth. To help you make the most of these three P’s, ask yourself:

  • What was my biggest accomplishment of 2019?
  • How did it happen, and what can I learn from that?
  • What was my most painful disappointment? How does that make me a more experienced and wise leader?
  • Where exactly do I want to be in six months?
    What’s the first step to get there, and whose help can I enlist for that?
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