Oct 05 Leadership Presence that’s Fully Present
Today’s leaders face many tough challenges. But as extraordinary as it may sound, the most prevalent obstacle to career advancement is self-imposed fear of failure and a feeling that you’re incapable of shouldering greater responsibility.
After expressing how surprised and perplexed they are to learn that fact, most VIP clients of mine think about it for a few minutes. Then the light comes on, and I can see it in their eyes. Next thing you know they all start to admit that it does actually make perfect sense because they, too, have those exact same apprehensions. Welcome to the club!
But they know that working with me gives them a safe, confidential, supportive environment for addressing their difficulties, and inevitably they open up about their own internal struggles. We start to unravel the emotional roots and psychological complexities behind their fears to get to the bottom of what causes this quiet but costly self-sabotage.
First they feel a great sense of relief to have the weight removed and see some practical, actionable solutions up ahead. Next the fog clears, as we attack the issue of their fear at its core. That gives them a whole new and confident outlook that immediately shows in their executive presence. Soon the path of huge possibility opens up in front of them, and they begin to experience a long-lost sense of self determination and control over their professional and personal destiny.
That kind of game-changing breakthrough is rare in today’s business world, but it doesn’t have to be. Anyone can do it if they have the right tools, techniques, and strategies – plus consistently supportive coaching, willpower, and determination to do the work. But the problem is that most leaders are totally unaware that they are the ones holding themselves back. So they plod along, stuck on the same unsatisfying career plateau, feeling that they’ll never realize their goals and dreams while others around them move onward and upward.
That’s downright tragic. But now that you know that the game changer is within you, you can begin to leverage that awareness for exponentially greater success.
All the executive presence and power you want and need is already at your fingertips, in a pure state, ready for you to tap into it. But it has been watered-down and covered over, because instead of being fully present and conscious in the here and now you are tethered to the past and timid about the future. Once you learn to access that purity of leadership confidence you will naturally exhibit the full potential of your executive strength, poise under pressure, clear and unwavering decisiveness, and unflinching confidence.
That’s unmistakable leadership power, and we’ve all witnessed it and felt it in the presence of great leaders who brought out the best in us. Now it’s your turn to step up and be one of those legendary leaders!
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Sarah Hathorn is a leadership development mentor, executive presence coach, image and branding consultant, public speaker & author. She is the founding CEO of her own successful company, Illustra Consulting, and the creator of the proprietary Predictable Promotion System™.
Blog, Ezine & Website: www.illustraconsulting.com
Copyright © 2012, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS
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