7 Secrets for Multiplying Your Success to Amplify Your Career

7 Secrets for Multiplying Your Success to Amplify Your Career

Multiplying Your Success

As you’ll see from the tips I outline below, it is easy to draw some interesting parallels between the steps to Predictable Promotion and the laws of physics.

1. Resistance Inhibits Speed

Physics confirms that resistance inhibits speed, for example, so in terms of accelerating your career you may need to take steps to make others more receptive to your ideas through strategic communication. Or you may have to break out of your comfort zone and free yourself from psychological resistance that is holding you back.

2. Momentum Begins at the Molecular Level

The laws of physics also apply to personal and professional momentum. Small gains can add up quickly and create a snowball effect, but you have to develop your leadership presence in those small but critical ways to win the big prizes. Many golf championships come down to a putt that sinks or misses by the distance of a few blades of grass, and at the recent Preakness a horse won by a nose. The same happens when some people get passed over but others who took care of their leadership development details are rewarded with the big promotion.

3. Control the Variables

Just as researchers have to pay close attention to detail when applying a theory in the laboratory, the application of the Predictable Promotion Multiplier requires intense focus. You have to be willing to bring commitment, discipline, and willingness to avoid shortcuts to the table. That will ensure that you can enjoy the full experience of profound and rewarding personal and career results.

4. There’s Magic in Multiplication

As a child I was asked if I would rather have a million dollars in cash, today, or a penny that doubles in value each day for just one month. Of course I said make me an instant millionaire, but that’s because I didn’t yet know the magic of the Predictable Promotion Multiplier effect. The fact is that if you double the value of a penny to two cents, then double that to four cents – and so forth for an entire month – you’ll wind up with around $10 million by month’s end. Learn to replicate what works and leverage those gains every day and you’ll accomplish success beyond your wildest dreams in record time!

5. Visualize Your Place in the Universe

Just as the physicist will study the big picture of the universe in order to make discoveries that can be applied to enhance and improve our everyday lives, if you visualize the big picture it will help to rapidly multiply your results and reach your more immediate goals. Not only does it drastically improve your focus and align your routine efforts with your ultimate dreams, but it also triggers your subconscious mind and the Law of Universal Attraction to invite success directly into your path.

6. Don’t Give Up on Yourself

Throughout history there are examples of great people who had to persevere with determination in order to finally achieve that monumental breakthrough. But what a shame if you give up a moment too soon and never realize that you were right on the brink of victory! Learning a new skill, developing your leadership ability, launching a new enterprise – these all take concentration, practice, and hard work. Many will give up, and their careers will be mediocre. But those who push onward and upward become our iconic role models – and that’s who you deserve to be!

7. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

Another lesson we learn from science is that it is a waste of time to labor over what we already know thanks to predecessor trailblazers. The whole point is to go forward by taking full advantage of knowledge, techniques, and strategies that can save us time, money, and effort. If you can learn from someone else’s mistakes to avoid your own, by all means do it! Better yet, find a positive mentor or coach who can teach you effective systems and efficient ways to greater success in a shorter amount of time. That’s the ideal way to multiply your own results, by acquiring skill, know-how, and power from those who already have it and are willing to share.
It’s always fun to borrow ideas from the world of science. But like any worthwhile concept my Predictable Promotion Multiplier isn’t just some armchair theory. You’ll discover that all of these secrets have valuable, practical, proven application to the real world where you live and work and where leadership really matters.

As a pioneering and visionary innovator, Sarah is a certified professional image consultant and brand strategist, speaker, trainer and author. Her company, Illustra Consulting, provides leading-edge image and brand management strategies for top leaders and high achievers who wish to take their career to the next level. She also delivers innovative and inspiring corporate workshops to assist large organizations in strengthening their corporate brand.

Illustra Consulting
Copyright © 2012, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS

1-800-267-3245, [email protected]
This article may be reproduced only in it’s entirety, including the above bio.

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