Aug 09 Leadership Legacy: Leaving Your Imprint on the World
In this great article on, Jann E Freed, Ph.D. talks about how many people wait to think about their legacy until the end of their careers right before retirement. She claims that today the time to think about your leadership legacy is now. By putting forth a strategic plan now you are preparing to become a better leader.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes from this piece that inspired me:
Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s, has been attributed as saying that “a reputation is earned by the actions you take each day.”
Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner “The legacy you leave is the life you lead.” “Leaders must decide on what matters in life before they can live a life that matters.”
I found this article insightful into how everyday actions, decisions, conversations and your leadership skills are leaving an imprint on others.
Click the link below to read the article entitled, What’s Your Leadership Legacy?
How are you leaving your leadership legacy for the next generation?
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