Jan 23 Predictable Promotion™ – Will you be next?
Career promotion is not a one-time-only event. You don’t achieve an upward high-level career move and automatically remain there, coasting along. You have to be fully developed and prepared. Otherwise the reward of greater responsibility can be a liability in disguise. It will expose your lack of readiness just as you enter the bright spotlight of intense scrutiny. Failure in that new position could be fatal to your future career advancement. That’s why it is so vital that you proactively develop your leadership DNA through genuine executive presence, a poised and positive mindset, and the practical communication tools required of today’s top leaders. Those three pillars will help to ensure your success and Predictable Promotion™.
When I work with high-level leaders around the world, I always emphasize executive presence, the leadership mindset, and multilevel communication skills. Today lets take a closer look at three key components of that kind of well-rounded leadership capability. I’m referring to being a leader who is collaborative, assertive, and inspirational.
Play a Collaborative Role
Leaders who take an authoritarian approach by acting as big bosses rather than supportive team leaders make a grave mistake. By being overly controlling they don’t just fail to delegate, which can put too much pressure on their own performance. They also stifle cooperative collaboration, which is one of the most valuable attributes of any organization or team. When you impede collaborative creativity you simultaneously block innovation.
What you’re left with is severely weakened corporate DNA that relies too heavily on one person at the top. You lose healthy, dynamic input from all the others on your team. To ensure real team leadership, lead more like a concerned, decisive, and helpful coach and mentor than like a powerful superior.
Nothing inspires or communicates leadership presence as powerfully as professional integrity and depth of character Share on XMake development of your employees and the success of their own careers your priority. Guaranteeing their predictable promotion will make you a stand-out leader, the rare kind who can guide others to also become valued leaders. That will accelerate your leadership career to the top, in record time.
Assert Your Leadership
But leading from the rear in service mode as a supportive collaborator does not mean fading into the wallpaper. You must still be bold and confident, willing to take strategic risks, and assertive enough to set high standards and hold others accountable.
I think that too many leaders, for instance, are afraid to address the elephant in the room of internal conflict. That allows disagreements to fester and block productivity while they create information silos and a lack of organizational performance. Teams need clear-cut guidance, leadership vision, and a steady, consistent role model.
That’s your job…especially when it’s appropriate to have those difficult or sensitive but timely discussions. When individuals become a negative influence on others or don’t pull their weight for the team, everyone looks to you to intervene and get things back on track.
Inspire by Example
Never before has it been so important for executives to lead by personal example with spotless integrity, credibility, and trustworthiness. Your leadership needs to be genuine, aligned with your core values and those of your organization.
When you lead from within in that way, your substantive DNA is both contagious and charismatic. That’s when executive presence becomes more than just a buzzword. People take notice of your energy and magnetism as soon as you enter the room.
To lead successfully, you have to communicate, inspire, and motivate. Nothing inspires or communicates leadership as powerfully as professional integrity and depth of character. Develop yours and convey it 24/7, while demanding it of those around you. That’s an essential key to everyone’s Predictable Promotion™ success.
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