Mar 08 Do You Make These Leadership Mistakes?
After working with thousands of corporate leaders I have realized that you need to take an inventory of yourself every single day, and then outdo yourself. Do you continue to question your leadership competence and abilities? That may be because you unknowingly keep making the same fatal leadership mindset mistakes. They need to be vanquished from within to unleash your real leadership identity
Here are four of the most common detrimental mistakes I see, that are deeply programmed into your daily outlook.
Mistake #1: You question your leadership capabilities and talent.
You can no longer continue to analyze your weaknesses and flaws. That simply directs your mindset to failure and sets you up for loss. Gain clarity (or get some help figuring it out) because great leaders leverage their personal strengths, talents, passion, purpose, and core values. Only after you tap into that limitless internal well of assets can you maximize your important external developmental opportunities. Unearth your unique power and you will find a reservoir of strength and vision that will feed your authentic confidence and credibility as an exceptional leader
Mistake #2: You imagine your own defeat.
Fear causes doubts and then those doubts feed the imagination in the wrong direction. So you begin to dream up all the negative reasons you aren’t qualified, aren’t right for the job, or you aren’t deserving enough to attain those higher goals and responsibilities. You have to change the soundtrack and movie playing in your head that is born of negative imagination. Apply your imagination instead to envision creative solutions where you’ve been seeing shortcomings. Imagine positive rewards where you’ve been too focused on the danger of taking strategic risks.
Mistake #3: You see setbacks as the opposite of opportunity.
I had a client who missed one promotion and he thought that was going to stall his career. But I kept him moving forward because I knew that setback was a setup and test for an opportunity ahead of him. Six months later he got a prestigious promotion, a substantial raise, and global leadership responsibilities. But if he had stayed in the victim zone he would have failed. Setbacks set you up for bigger success, so don’t see them as roadblocks but interpret them as the opportunities they are. Integrate them into your leadership experience portfolio to make you stronger and more resilient, for a more rewarding and successful journey ahead.
Mistake #4: You spend precious resources trying to control what you cannot.
Focus only on what you can realistically control and let go of the rest that is sapping your energy. Don’t fret over company politics or try to control the global economy. Concentrate on how you can add value to help your team and your organization. If you keep investing time and energy trying to control things that are beyond your control, you’re wasting your talent and productivity. You are diluting the performance potential of those who look to you for leadership. When you stay focused in the present and remain centered with clarity of mind and sharpness of insight you make progress and really take control as CEO of your leadership career.
If you find yourself struggling with maintaining a daily positive mindset, showing resiliency in turbulent times, or if you just feel that you are selling yourself short or hitting a career plateau – feel free to contact me at [email protected]
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