Dec 23 Become More Whole for the Holidays
Get a healthy jumpstart on the new year by utilizing precious holiday downtime to generate rewarding uptime.
1) Clear Your Calendar
It’s easy to get swamped with holiday social engagements like parties and dinners. Before you know it you’re be back at work. So first clear your calendar. Decide what you need in terms of personal space and undistracted time with those who mean the most to you. Then plan your holiday agenda around those priorities.
2) Toast to Your Health
But don’t deny yourself some fun. Live it up a little as a deserved reward for all your hard work. Just don’t go overboard in a way that torpedoes your health. Schedule a few hours of exercise to raise your heart rate and release those feel-good endorphins, and don’t forget to catch up on your sleep while you have the chance.
3) Reset Your Priorities
The best time to rethink your work/life priorities is while you’re on vacation. Pay attention to how it feels to pamper your personal side. What steps can take to implement more of that in your daily life during the work week? Life is short. So take care of what really matters. By doing so you’ll have more energy and focus to apply to your work and career.
Take a private moment to ask yourself, what is the most imbalanced aspect of your life right now? How can you devote some downtime to rectifying that so you start the new year in a more aligned and balanced way?
Tell me what you think! Post a comment below on the blog or on Facebook!
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Sarah Hathorn is a leadership development mentor, executive presence coach, image and branding consultant, public speaker & author. She is the founding CEO of her own successful company, Illustra Consulting, and the creator of the proprietary Predictable Promotion™ System.
1-800-267-3245 |
Copyright © 2013, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS
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