Jan 25 Mindset Lessons from Mahatma Gandhi
“Your beliefs become your thoughts and your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions, and your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Believing and Thinking
One of the great ancient Greek philosophers explained that what actually happens to you in life is not as important as what you believe happens to you. Our beliefs shape our impressions, interpretations, and perceptions. That influences how we think about our situation, the problem we’re trying to solve, the people around us, and our own sense of self identity, confidence, and value. Want to change someone’s thinking? Inspire them to believe differently. Do you face challenges you wish to overcome? Believe you can, and you’ll start thinking of solutions.
Thinking and Speaking
Want to make your presentation more powerful, succinct, and influential? It starts with how your thoughts are organized, and whether or not they are based in genuine conviction and passion. Are you trying to communicate in speech and writing with more clarity, sense of purpose, and call to action? Reduce the clutter of doubt and the chatter of negativity that plays inside your mind to dilute and weaken your thoughts – and your confidence – and it will automatically and instantly upgrade your communication.
Saying and Doing
The first step in getting something done is to articulate it, clearly and convincingly. If you want people to follow your lead, you have to be able to explain the project, the mission, the purpose, and the vision in language that makes sense. Use straight talk and plain English. Want to set new goals for yourself, hit a higher bar, or develop new skills? Tell your teammates, your boss, your mentor, and your coach. That is the seed of productive collaboration. It’s the ignition that sparks the fuel of an actionable idea and transforms it into measurable performance.
Developing Habits
By saying it you are making it more real. You’re also making it a commitment shared with others, which gives you a sense of responsibility to uphold your end of the bargain. That’s how we can motivate ourselves and others to turn simple actions into reliable, dependable habits. Habits are behaviors repeated in a methodical way. But do them with intent and they become the rituals that give your personal and professional life meaning and substance.
Living Your Values
Developing deliberate habits also engages the law of universal attraction so that you are inviting the desired outcome, shaping your destiny, and starting to live your leadership legacy. Want more control over your career and more ability to persuade others by your example? Tie your leadership brand to your authentic values and you’ll tap into a deep and unique source of power, credibility, and energy. Everyone wants to follow leaders who live their values and convictions. Believe it, think it, say it, do it, and make it your life.
This quote from Gandhi is one of my favorites. Those of you who have heard my newest CD will recognize it because I talk about it there. If you don’t have that one yet, I invite you to receive your “10 Steps to a Fast, Predictable Promotion™” absolutely FREE. Just click here to find out how
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Sarah Hathorn is a leadership development mentor, executive presence coach, image and branding consultant, public speaker & author. She is the founding CEO of her own successful company, Illustra Consulting, and the creator of the proprietary Predictable Promotion System™.
Blog, Ezine & Website: www.illustraconsulting.com
Copyright © 2012, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS
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