Jul 24 Train Skills, but Recruit Attitude
Competition is so intense that you cannot afford to just hire good talent. You have to hire the best people you can possibly attract and afford who will be the reliable building blocks of dynamic high-performance teams.
Diversify Your Vision:
One key to succeeding in this regard is diversity of design. When your team brings together many different points of view it is easier to cultivate panoramic vision that sees possibilities and innovations that your competitors don’t recognize. People may disagree or have competing ideas, and you have to manage that. But the takeaway is that the group will generate ideas that are much more valuable than you’d otherwise get by simply creating a linear, homogenous team.
Synergy Isn’t Just a Buzzword:
When people are part of that kind of joint effort they gain energy and inspiration from each other, but they also feel more valued and recognized for their personal, unique, specialized contributions. That helps raise morale and eliminate costly turnover and attrition. You get bigger task-oriented results, but you also get fantastic workplace reviews from people who enjoy their jobs. That’s priceless.
Read between the Résumé Lines:
When you study someone’s résumé, don’t get overly fixated on the nuts and bolts in their toolkit. Dig deeper to find out whether they have that rare but prized professional presence and charisma that motivates others and brings out the best in teammates. We all work harder when surrounded by people who are likeable and energetic, so during the hiring and screening process search for those gems.
You can always train skills. But unless your employees have a winning mindset no amount of training will turn them into rock star assets. They may even undermine the morale of everyone else. That’s why a great strategy to adopt is to hire attitude, enthusiasm, and a true talent for teamwork.
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Sarah Hathorn is a leadership development mentor, executive presence coach, image and branding consultant, public speaker & author. She is the founding CEO of her own successful company, Illustra Consulting, and the creator of the proprietary Predictable Promotion System™.
Blog, Ezine & Website: www.illustraconsulting.com
Copyright © 2012, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS
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