Dec 22 20 Business Leadership Tips Every Corporate Leader Must Know
If you’ve been a leader in your corporation for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve experienced a few management blunders or embarrassing moments. I know throughout my career with Macy’s Inc I made more than just a few leadership mistakes. I quickly rebounded and learned my lessons, which is how every executive today learns to become a better leader.
Today leaders need to be aware of how to navigate this new complex and changing business landscape. Your professional presence is under heavy scrutiny every day. Yes, you are under the microscope daily and everyone is watching how you look, act, behave and communicate. It’s always the total package of how you exude real presence.
In the below link to Steve Tobak’s blog post on 12/9/10 entitled, 20 Business Truisms That Can Change Your Life he lists the 20 practical lessons.
This list of the top 20 tips is a great read for every leader to post somewhere in their office where they can refer to it daily.
Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this blog posts or refer to Steve’s blog to post a comment.
Courtesy of:Steve Tobak – The Corner Office
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