Sep 14 Personal Branding: Raising Your Web Visibility
As a woman leader, when you belong to a few online social networking sites, participate in the company blog, join Internet groups, or have an article or book published on the web, you are raising your visibility and presence in a time when everyone needs more business.
It communicates to others that you are the celebrity expert in your industry, knowledgeable about technology, and stay on the cutting-edge of business getting ideas. You can utilize the web as your new marketing tool. When people Google you or go to your website, you are visible to thousands of people who years ago would have no idea how to find you if they did need your company’s services. The Internet is the new forum for human resource managers or the executive committee of an organization to search for leaders for specific career promotions.
Google yourself and see how many times your name comes up in the search engines! It may be eye-opening that you aren’t the expert in your industry and you may need to work on your personal brand visibility.
What does your personal branding online presence convey about you as a key leader in this competitive business environment? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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Sarah Hathorn is a professional image consultant, certified personal brand strategist, speaker, and author. Her company, Illustra Image Consulting, works with high-achieving future leaders and large businesses by enhancing their corporate and personal brand image to take their businesses and careers to the next level.
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Copyright © 2010, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS
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