Group Coaching

Whatever your organization’s future objectives, successful outcomes will only happen when teams are aligned and work collaboratively to create value

In partnering with senior executives in large or mid-size organizations, the most common challenges they face are:

  • Developing new leadership skills to navigate the complexities of the ever-changing landscape and complexity of the corporate landscape
  • Feeling isolated by not having access to an experienced outside executive coach who can provide fresh new outside perspectives
  • The group does not hear the unfiltered truth from an outside advisor who has their best interest at heart

My best clients have requested my partnership in one of my most accessible programs, Stop Breathing Your Own Exhaust: A Group Coaching Cohort.

This unique coaching experience actively drives seasoned leaders to new heights of excellence by immersing them in a confidential, trusted circle of peer advisors within their own organization

Build future leaders ready to thrive amid the shifting dynamics of the global business landscape

Whether you’re looking to offer a strategic cohort to your top executives across every department or vertically within departments to engage front-line managers, we customize this program for your needs.

Here are the results your organization can expect to achieve: 

  • Enhanced adaptive leadership skills for mastering change and complexity
  • Create a successful corporate DNA culture that improves engagement and retention
  • New and innovative perspectives shared through cohort and coaching
  • Improved succession strategy with leaders primed to successful and enduring ascension to higher level roles
  • Improvement in shaping strategy to improve your organization’s performance
  • Effective communication skills that better influence up, down and across your organizational eco-system

Unlock the individual and team’s potential to optimize engagement, impact, revenue, and success.

Group Coaching

How the Breath of Fresh Air – Group Coaching Works: 

  • We work with you to select the 6-10 leaders for this coaching experience based on your needs.
  • Participants will determine their individual and group challenges to focus on a specific individual and group game plan.
  • Group sessions will be focused on group challenges they face and work through roadblocks to find innovative solutions with group collaboration
  •  Benefit from experienced facilitation and content from a former senior Fortune 500 leader who transformed large teams.
  • For six months, we meet virtually, live in person, or hybrid as a group for 2 hours, calendared in advance so members can attend from anywhere
  • Each group participant can have 3 one-on-one coaching sessions with me throughout the program
  • Each group cohort is a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 10 participants to ensure group cohesion and airtime for all

Reach out to us today to schedule a call to see how this new group coaching program can be customized and tailored to ensure your leaders are ready for tomorrow’s new challenges.

Client results from Group Coaching work with Sarah

Sarah helped me to amplify my personal brand packaging for greater success!

I worked with Sarah as part of the Concord Medical Team’s mission to help our office amplify our professional image to help us achieve our business goals of 5X over the next year.

I sought out her expertise to provide constructive feedback on how to help me look my absolute best and discover my personal brand to ultimately enhance the brand of the office. I am now confident that I exude a professional presence that communicates the right messages that correspond with how I want others to perceive me as the expert in my industry.

Sarah shared how-to’s to help me upgrade my professional wardrobe and explained the art of why it’s important to show up ‘looking the part’. She helped me gain real clarity and focus around the leader I wanted to become and then shared her expertise to help me create that professional look. Since my consulting work with Sarah began I’ve continued to transform my overall image and I love the results. It all started with taking the first step with Sarah.

Enhancing my professional image was critical in achieving my goals as a top-notch leader. Today I dress to blend my authentic style, position to package my personal brand to influence clients and I feel great. If you want expert status and you’re wondering how to change other’s perceptions of your professional image, Sarah Hathorn will definitely educate, and inspire you to step up your overall personal brand. She helped me look the part and was a positive brand ambassador for our chiropractic office. Sarah is my secret weapon! If you’re a high level leader or executive, I highly recommend her to help you amplify your personal brand packaging for greater success in your line of business.”

Richard Jaskewich, PA-C
Concord Medical Spine & Pain Center

Thanks to Sarah Business Improved 100%!

“During the past year I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sarah as an executive coach and corporate consultant. Now I am glad to report that as a result of collaborating with her we have a stronger team and have exceeded our sales target by 100% over last year.

I selected Sarah based on her extensive background and expertise as a senior level executive for Macy’s, wanting her to elevate our company brand, build bench strength, implement business systems and training programs, and help me become a more dynamic leader and effective communicator. The management and leadership skills, strategies, and techniques we learned from her will continue to amplify our business results because we are now a more efficient and productive dental practice.

I am an expert dentist, but beyond that Sarah taught me to be introspective, master the soft skills of leadership, and become a dynamic business leader to grow my practice.

I’m grateful for the extreme pleasure of learning from Sarah! If you are looking for a leadership coach I highly recommend her.”

Dr. Behzad Nazari, DDS
Antoine Dental Center

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