When “Everything” Isn’t Enough

When “Everything” Isn’t Enough

When “Everything” Isn’t Enough

When I’m coaching a corporate executive to get to the next level, they – and their leader – often say, “We’ve tried everything, and nothing is working.” My initial reaction is to question that statement because, in my experience, it is rarely accurate.

Off-the-Rack Solutions Don’t Work

You may have tried coaching methods that worked for others in your organization. But that doesn’t mean they are appropriate to you, your level of development, and your particular situation. That’s especially true if the system or approach they took was from a book, magazine, video, podcast, blog, workshop, or a “quick tips” presentation.

After guiding 100s of leaders to Predictable Promotions® ranging from SVP to C-Suite roles, my executive development and promotion system speaks for itself. The uniquely innovative method that I designed has proven time and again to be an absolute game-changer. That’s because it isn’t just a strategy for getting ahead or a template for leadership. It works by determining the specific type of promotion you want and how soon you want it. Then, I confidentially collaborate with you one-on-one to tailor your approach based on your current needs, goals, and circumstances.

Here is an overview of the process:

1.     Chart Your Roadmap

What worked for others won’t always work for you, and that’s fine. Understand that no one else on Earth has your particular combination of natural gifts, skills, and experiences in both work and personal life. Those are all part of your authentic back story and leadership DNA. By helping you illuminate your strengths and identify your opportunities, we will create a roadmap to your next promotion. We’ll chart the most direct path to get there in record time, without detours and delays. I will show you exactly how to leverage your strengths while strengthening any perceived shortcomings, following what I call my 80/20 rule.

2.      Deploy the 80/20 Rule

Our target metrics identify and leverage 80% of your natural strengths and 20% of your areas for opportunity and strength training. The latter will focus on enhancement of your leadership development and higher-level skills so that you start exhibiting and exuding those now. Let me show you how to start living and breathing the leadership you need for immediate next-level executive promotion. You will not only stand out from all your competitors, but attract high visibility as the ideal risk-free, fully prepared candidate for the promotion you want.

2.    Immersion is the Fastest Way to Learn

While reading a book may give you tips and tricks, there is nothing like working live with an executive coach to support and challenge you and hold you accountable. You cannot learn to play golf by reading a book. The top coaches in the history of golf agree that your body mechanics, mindset, and practice regimen must be tailored specifically to you. I will immerse you in your development, for the most effective and efficient progress. Oftentimes I even work with leaders in real-time, in their own office environment, as they plan, delegate, give presentations, and brainstorm with me as a confidential advisor.

3.     You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

You have tried everything you can think of that fits with your own experience, biases, beliefs, personality, habits, and preconceptions. So, you are actually working within a limited and restrictive space, almost like an echo chamber. However, I am a former Fortune 100 senior executive with decades of experience developing leaders for the most coveted promotions. I’ve won promotions in record time in situations, industries, and organizations similar to yours. My unique value-add is that I can give you access to more strategies, resources, coaching, and consulting. I’ve “been there and done that” and can get you there on the fast track as I’ve done for 1,000s of others.

Invest in Blue Chip Coaching

For 18 years, I’ve coached leaders from more than 39 industries and 40 countries. I love what I do so much that I created the Predictable Promotion® system, which is utilized by multi-national companies traded on the S&P 500, leading entrepreneurs, and small—to mid-sized enterprises.

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