Quick Image Routine Tips for the Professional Woman

Quick Image Routine Tips for the Professional Woman

The other day one of my Platinum Clients and I were talking about her busy schedule. As a high level executive in a firm, she was expressing her frustrations about trying to find time for acts of self-care and routine maintenance – but these are the same challenges that all working women face. 

Here’s is a quick tip: 

Utilize an image checklist for your routine beauty maintenance and figure out your personal maintenance schedule. Put your routine on your calendar just as you would important business meetings and other appointments. These items can be more important than a business meeting, in fact, because your professional image is being perceived and judged by others on a daily basis. So be consistent with your image and be sure to get your image tune-ups done regularly to keep a polished professional appearance. Review the list below and then select the self-care items that pertain to your own image maintenance.

Image routine checklist for women:

  • Hair Cuts:  Every 6-8 weeks to keep your best accessory looking healthy.
  • New Hair Styles: Every 6-12 months, ask for a modern version of your hair style to look more innovative.
  • Hair Color Touch-Ups:  Every 6-8 weeks, depending on the coloring process.
  • Nail Manicures: Every 2-3 weeks to keep your business gesturing tools up to par.
  • Pedicures:  Every 3-4 weeks, especially in spring and summer when you are wearing peep-toe pumps and sandals.
  • Eyebrow Waxing or Plucking: Every 1-2 weeks as needed to create strong brows that define your eye area.
  • Self-Tanning: A few times a week, depending on the type of self-tanning system you are using. Be sure to shave and exfoliate well before applying products and keep body moisturized, especially when going bare-legged.
  • Dental Cleaning and Whitening: Schedule professional teeth cleaning twice a year to prevent halitosis, and whiten your teeth after each cleaning to look younger and have a more vibrant smile.
  • Schedule Bra Fittings:  Yes, every 6-12 months every woman’s body changes, so it’s important to ensure that you are wearing the right size bra foundations. Every major department store or intimacies shop (a specialty store found in larger cities) offers this service.
  • Exercise Workouts:  Daily is preferred, but at least 3 times a week try to get some sort of aerobic exercise, yoga, Pilates, or weight training in order to get your body moving and help you deal with stress.
  • Laser Hair Removal:  As needed for chin or facial hair as we age.
  • Botox or Fillers:  If you utilize these to eliminate facial wrinkles, repeat injections every 6-12 months. 
  • Dermatologist Appointments:  To prevent skin cancer visit your dermatologist annually to check for any suspicious looking moles or growths.
  • Facials: If you love to indulge and want to ensure beautiful skin as you age, schedule monthly or quarterly facials or microderm abrasion treatments to remove age spots and give you younger looking skin
  • Massages: Every top business woman under a lot of pressure needs to incorporate monthly or quarterly massages into her self-care routine to help relieve stress, tightness, and soreness in the neck and shoulders. 

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Sarah Hathorn is a professional image consultant, certified personal brand strategist, speaker, and author. 

Her company, Illustra Image Consulting, works with high-achieving future leaders and large businesses by enhancing their corporate and personal brand image to take their businesses and careers to the next level.

Blog, Ezine & Website: www.illustraimageconsulting.com

Copyright © 2010, Sarah Hathorn, AICI CIP, CPBS

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